Our vision is that tailored and customized edge applications for network cameras should be affordable to everyone. Our offering enables you to design and create your own edge applications for your unique needs.
Developer tools that makes ACAP development with the AXIS ACAP SDK easier. We have tools such as CLI, Github Actions integration, etc.
Precompiled libraries that works out of the box in your Axis network cameras. Building an ACAP application using our libraries makes development faster and maintenance easier.
Our reference projects are ACAP applications or complete software systems that you can base your projects on. We can further modify the application per your requirements to work with your specific needs.
As a complement to our other offerings such as education, consultation and implementation we are offering a selection of products. Just like the rest of our offering, all our products are developed to solve pain points for ACAP developers and make the AXIS cameras a natural go-to platform for IoT and video analytics. Developing edge applications should not be hard.
- Daniel Falk, Founder of FixedIT Consulting
Take a look at some examples
You can find some examples of how our tools and libraries are used in our GitHub repositories. You can also contact us for a demonstration.
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VAT: SE559296849801
Org. Number: 559296-8498
Phone: +46 76 80 156 12
Email: Daniel.Falk.1@FixedIT.ai
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