ACAP applications

Easily train and deploy deep learning models to the Axis cameras for edge inference with the Edge Impulse integration ACAP

Our Edge Impulse runner applications can make use of the deep learning models trained in the Edge Impulse no-code framework for in-camera inference. The platform allows you to deploy your models in days instead of months. You can then enjoy all the benefits of Edge AI such as:

  • Low latency
  • Low bandwidth (no streaming required)
  • Reliable
We are a Solution Partner to Edge Impulse

As a solution provider for the Edge Impulse MLOps platform we build technologies that make it easy to use their AutoML or MLOps platform to train and create models for the AXIS network cameras.


Become an early adopter

Our integration is fully working and ready to bring value, we are however in the early release phase where we can only handle a limited number of customers. We are interested in your use cases to make sure that we focus our development efforts on the most important aspects of the application. By joining us early and using the application to create and run your own deep learning models in the Axis cameras you will get access to our roadmap and have the ability to do an significant impact on how the application is developed.

To get more info, fill out the form below explaining your use case and we will send you more detailed information about the run-time application.

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Download detailed presentation of the ACAP deep learning runtime ACAP


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If you don't qualify as an early adopter or if you want to wait for the full launch, you can leave your email and we will send you a notification when the application is generally available for purchase through us or a distributor.


Get in touch and we'll walk you through the options to adapt the applications for you and your business.